Basic Service from £1.00
Available EVERY Friday
How does Auto Essentials work?
Included in Basic Service:
Our team will check your tyre pressure and inflate them to the recommended PSI.
We will check your oil level if possible.
We will return your keys with a report on the work carried out.
Additional Cost:
If you require Windscreen Washer fluid we can fill your system. Price will be calculated on how much liquid is required. (This is charged at cost).

Basic Service from £1.00
Available EVERY Friday
How does Auto Essentials work?
Included in Basic Service:
Our team will check your tyre pressure and inflate them to the recommended PSI.
We will check your oil level if possible.
We will return your keys with a report on the work carried out.
Additional Cost:
If you require Windscreen Washer fluid we can fill your system. Price will be calculated on how much liquid is required. (This is charged at cost).

Booking Form
Payment & Collection
Payment should be made on the day you are booked in. Payment can be made to Phil (Main Building), Sinead (Academy) or done in Brewhog. Please note - Brewhog cards can not be taken as payment for Wash & Glow services.