Imagination Village is a role-play resource within Grange School.
The village consists of 10 unique shops and businesses which offers pupils an amazing experience. We have listed each of these below with information about what to expect when you enter the village.
Downtown Diner
A fantastic location for our students to practice working in a restaurant.
Replica food helps students prepare meals and our menus mean customers can order in the comfort of our genuine american Diner booths!
Poorly Paws Vets
From X-Rays to bandages. Everything you need to help your poorly pet can be found in our very own vets practice. Pop in and say hello to our resident fish too.
Grange Grocers
Become familiar with all the usual products you'd find in a shop. Experience life on either side of the counter being a shop keeper or customer.
Sweet Treats
A lovely shop which helps support many of of maths activities. From counting to weighing and sorting, Sweet Treats offers a great learning opportunity with some tasty rewards.
Pit Stop Garage
Located next to our construction site you can visit our in school garage. We currently have a F1 Ferrari and Hummer in the shop waiting for students to get working on them.
Tourist Information
All the resources for our village live here. If you ever need to know anything then the Tourist Information is the place to go.
Mrs Johnson's Bakery
The neighbour of Sweet Treats. Mr's Johnson's Bakery allows students to become familiar with baked goods and role-play a wide variety of activities around Maths and English
Zany Zoo
Located over the road from the Poorly Paws vets and next to the rabbits you will find our larger animals in Zany Zoo.
Post Office
The Post Office sort out our internal student mail and arrange distribution across school. This is a very important job as all classes utilise the post service for many subjects.
Fancy Pants - Fancy Dress Shop
Feeling creative or have a role to play? Fancy Pants Fancy Dress shop can really get you into character.