Linking curriculum learning

Project Profession enables us to extract data taken from career guidance interviews (Benchmarks 3 and 8) and build a database of career options for our students. With this information we can then identify which subjects will have meaningful links from the Remember More modules of the curriculum to the specific career we are looking to work in.
For example, we have 28% of students identifying an interest in mechanics. Project Profession then links this career to the curriculum models and with input from the subject co-ordinator we are able to develop a range of activities, resources and practices before any encounters or experiences are arranged (Benchmarks 5 and 6). An example of this data is below:

What does this data show us?
Project Profession has highlighted 35 Remember More modules from the curriculum that have significant links to this career.
We then access the careers curriculum data to see how those students, who have shown interest in mechanics, are currently performing in that subject and more specifically within the module identified as being an important link to mechanics.
Science links 3 of 6 Remember More modules to mechanics.
1. Asking Questions
2. Observing
4. Identifying and Classifying
Although these modules link directly to Science, the fundamental skills are very much needed in mechanics.
To ascertain how a student is performing in these modules we look at the data from the terms they are taught. If a student is on track or exceeding expectation then no additional work is needed. However, if a student is not reaching their target we are able to assist subject co-ordinators in offering them resources and support linked back from the career choice to the curriculum. Effectively linking careers back into the curriculum as intervention support if needed.

Developing links to curriculum learning
The Know and Remember Curriculum at Grange School has been developed by our amazing subject co-ordinators and is overseen by the senior management team at the school.
With this backing and support we are able to ensure that each link from careers to curriculum is done so with a high level of expertise. Subject leaders are appointed based on their knowledge, interest and passion not just for teaching but for the development and growth of their area and the school as a whole. Due to this unique infrastructure we are able to infuse a deep level of subject learning to the required skillsets for any chosen career.
For more information on our Remember More modules please click below: