Key Stage 3 Aspire
School Jobs
Key Stage 3 introduces pupils to school jobs and brings on the expectation that they will undertake jobs in the wider school environment.

Check the rolling plan for the current year:
Current: 2023/24 - Year Two
Year One
Desire &
Year Two
Year One
Year Two
Year Two
Year One
Identifying &
Solving Problems
Click any of the Remember More modules above for more information.
Teacher Checklist
Step One
Know More Module
You will be working on Personal Jobs during EYFS and Key Stage 1
Step Two
Remember More
Check the rolling plan for your Remember More Module this term. (It's just above here)
Step Three
Animal Care
You will be looking after the Tortoises and Rabbits during these key stages.
Step Four
Set targets for your Know More module. If there are any difficulties email via this link.
Step Five
Upload QR codes from SeeSaw to each pupils Digital Career Portfolio.

Job Timetable
We have selected 3 areas from the LMI to create our school jobs. These areas are on a rolling plan across the 3 terms.

Site Maintenance

Site Maintenance Activities
Session Content:
LO: To work towards completing a range of jobs as site team workers.
Suggested Activities:
The below activites are recommended as a 3 week rolling plan and each acticity being completed twice. You can select which activity is best suited for evidencing a target. There are more detailed overviews available on your key stage page via the careers website.
Each classroom has a recylcing bin. These often get full during the day. Students will need to knock on the door, ask if the bin needs emptying and then they will need to transfer the recycling to the correct bins outside.
Site Maintenance
Checking areas of the school against lists and reporting damages.Using the site check list, or creating your own, students will do a grounds inspection and report any damages or lost items.
Paper Stock Check
A key role in keeping the school administration going is ensuring our paper supply is adequate. Students will complete the stock checker on the careers website (see careers website). This checker will report the boxes of paper remaining in each of our print rooms.
You can download the latest Know More Content Plan below:

Hospitality Fountain of Youth
Session Content:
LO: To work towards completing a range of jobs as site team workers.
Suggested Activities:
The below activites are recommended as a 3 week rolling plan and each acticity being completed twice. You can select which activity is best suited for evidencing a target. There are more detailed overviews available on your key stage page via the careers website.
Each classroom has a recylcing bin. These often get full during the day. Students will need to knock on the door, ask if the bin needs emptying and then they will need to transfer the recycling to the correct bins outside.
Site Maintenance
Checking areas of the school against lists and reporting damages.Using the site check list, or creating your own, students will do a grounds inspection and report any damages or lost items.
Paper Stock Check
A key role in keeping the school administration going is ensuring our paper supply is adequate. Students will complete the stock checker on the careers website (see careers website). This checker will report the boxes of paper remaining in each of our print rooms.
You can download the latest Know More Content Plan below:
Health & Social Care
Cosmic Cleaners
Session Content:
LO: To work towards completing a range of jobs as site team workers.
Suggested Activities:
The below activites are recommended as a 3 week rolling plan and each acticity being completed twice. You can select which activity is best suited for evidencing a target. There are more detailed overviews available on your key stage page via the careers website.
Each classroom has a recylcing bin. These often get full during the day. Students will need to knock on the door, ask if the bin needs emptying and then they will need to transfer the recycling to the correct bins outside.
Site Maintenance
Checking areas of the school against lists and reporting damages.Using the site check list, or creating your own, students will do a grounds inspection and report any damages or lost items.
Paper Stock Check
A key role in keeping the school administration going is ensuring our paper supply is adequate. Students will complete the stock checker on the careers website (see careers website). This checker will report the boxes of paper remaining in each of our print rooms.
You can download the latest Know More Content Plan below:

Animal Care
Please check the Buddy Barn Farm timetable for your Animal Care jobs.