Hello and welcome to Grange School Careers.
Our careers offering has been developed and built to follow a clear and defined pathway with Project Profession. This combines everything that is planned into our Know and Remember curriculum whilst ensuring the Gatsby Benchmarks are a key focus. In turn this then enables our students to have every opportunity to develop their skills for working life.
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What is Project Profession?
In order to have an amazing careers offering, a school has to have both a curriculum (what you will learn about careers) and follow the Gatsby Benchmarks of Good Career Guidance. We do both at Grange School and the two are brought together under Project Profession. This is bespoke to Grange School and manages our students needs and abilities with our Know and Remember curriculum and the Gatsby Benchmarks.
We track academic progress using Classroom Monitor. This enables us to set targets for our students to work inline with our term topics from the curriculum (more about this in the Know More Remember More section). Our targets have definitive steps for our students to complete before securing a target.
Compass is our tracking resource for students and the Gatsby Benchmarks. These benchmarks differ from our curriculum targets and are tracked in a different way. (More about the Gatsby Benchmarks below).
So with our own curriculum monitoring and using Compass to track student progress with the Gatsby Benchmarks we need to ensure that we continue to work to the same goals. To keep careers as one subject instead of working on two platforms. This is where Project Profession comes in. It enables us to relay data between the two monitoring systems and ensure the work we do with our students is beneficial on all fronts.
Students build a careers portfolio throughout their time at Grange School. This portfolio contains careers certificates throughout EYFS, key stage 1 and key stage 2 before students begin to use worksheets linked to the Remember More modules in key stage 3 and key stage 4.
Project Profession doesn't only manage the internal careers offering at Grange School, it also manages our external relationships and partnerships with businesses wanting to engage with the school. Local and national businesses are a vital part to the development of our students career experience.

The Know and Remember curriculum is bespoke to Grange School.
The 'Know More' modules for careers are the topics that students work under through each key stage.
The 'Remember More' modules are core elements of the careers curriculum that change every half term and are repeated each year.
These two elements work side by side to ensure the core of our subject is taught over and over whilst the topics change to offer a range of experiences. This is outlined in the overview below.

Our Remember More modules are repeated every year.
Term One
Desire &
Term Two
Term One
Term Two
Term One
Identifying &
Solving Problems
Term Two
The Know and Remember curriculum is bespoke to Grange School.
The 'Know More' modules for careers are the topics that students work under through each key stage.
The 'Remember More' modules are core elements of the careers curriculum that change every half term and are repeated each year.
These two elements work side by side to ensure the core of our subject is taught over and over whilst the topics change to offer a range of experiences. This is outlined in the overview below.

Our Know More topics are broken down over departments and key stages.
The Know More topics develop students understanding and allow them to begin taking responsibility for themselves, their environment and others around them. These careers areas then move into school jobs, enterprises and businesses which are supported with experiences brought in from external businesses.
Each of our departments is listed below which covers every key stage and the Know More modules that are associated to them. Within these modules are a wide range of activities that are constantly developed inline with the schools growth.

Grange Foundations is comprised of EYFS, KS1 and KS2. Throughout these key stages pupils will begin to understand and develop the skills needed
to engage in their journey through Grange School Careers.
EYFS - Personal Jobs
Pupils will begin to take responsibility for themselves and their belongings.
Our checklists will cover activities such as entering a class room and hanging up their coat as well as checking schedules and sitting sensibly.
KS1 - Personal Jobs
Pupils will continue with their personal jobs throughout Key Stage 1.
Additional responsibilities will be added allowing pupils to experience change in routine.
KS2 - Classroom Jobs
A class rota for jobs is introduced in Key Stage 2.
Stacking chairs, collecting in school diaries and recycling are examples of how pupils will develop their responsibilities beyond themselves.
Click any of the key stage links below to visit our teacher resource pages. Here you can find out more about the types of activities our students experience.

Grange Aspire is home to our Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 Structured classes. During these key stages students will continue to work on both their personal and classroom jobs and begin to take on responsibilities with school jobs, progressing into work off site as well as running a small business.
KS3 - School Jobs
Pupils will begin to look at what is involved with certain jobs done within the school. This includes our 'Recycling Team', 'Site Management' and 'Office Administration'.
KS4 - Vocational Offering
Working off site as part of our vocational offering students experience time at a local garden centre as well as working on our own agricultural site to grow seasonal produce which will be sold through the Grange School Careers Farm Shop.

Grange Academy is home to our Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 Independent classes. During these key stages students will continue to work on both their personal and classroom jobs and begin to take on responsibilities with school jobs, progressing into work off site as well as running a small business.
KS3 - School Jobs
Pupils will begin to look at what is involved with certain jobs done within the school. This includes our 'Recycling Team', 'Site Management' and 'Office Administration'.
KS4 - Vocational Offering
Working off site as part of our vocational offering students experience time at a local garden centre as well as working on our own agricultural site to grow seasonal produce which will be sold through the Grange School Careers Farm Shop.

Grange Futures is our Post 16 offering. Students no longer work through the same Know More modules. They study Maths, English, Catering & Hospitality, Digital Media, Land Based Studies and Creative Media. These subjects offer a fantastic platform for students to work within a wide range of internal businesses and also increase their experiences with external companies.
Through Progress Profession students currently work in:
Vision Creative Media
An agency set up in line with our Gateway Units of work for Digital Media and Creative Media.
Pupils will work on live briefs from Grange School and other schools within the Prospere Trust. This will include client visits, feedback and pitching final designs/productions to their clients.
Buddha Bowls
A healthy eating vegetarian food business offering lunches to staff.
With Catering and Hospitality being a new subject to the students we engage them with a professional catering outlet in school. This allows them to apply their understanding of food hygiene, customer service and presentation.
Smoothie Shack
Another healthy option for staff.
Students prepare smoothies from our online ordering system and deliver them directly to staff. This allows them to apply their understanding of food hygiene, customer service and presentation.
Wash & Glow
Grange School has its very own car wash run by students.
Wash and Glow allows students to work outdoors in all weather and really test their team work skills.
Oneighty Store
Students receive donations of clothing. Through a variety of sorting and preparation activities these clothes are then sold through our own eBay store. Items are packed, labelled and distributed by the students. A fantastic enterprise for time management and organisation.

What are the Gatsby Benchmarks?
The eight Gatsby benchmarks of Good Career Guidance
Benchmark One
A stable careers programme
Grange School has an embedded programme of career education and guidance in our Know and Remember curriculum. Access to this is available via www.grangeschoolcareers.co.uk
Benchmark Two
Learning from career and labour market information
Every learner, and their parents (where appropriate), has access to information about future study options and labour market opportunities. Grange School have the support of an informed external careers adviser to make best use of available information.
Benchmark Three
Addressing the needs of each pupil
Learners have different career guidance needs at different stages. Opportunities for advice and support are tailored to the needs of each learner. Our school careers programme has equality and diversity considerations throughout.
Benchmark Four
Linking curriculum learning to careers
All subject staff link curriculum learning with careers, even on courses which are not specifically occupation-led. For example, STEM subject staff will highlight the relevance of STEM subjects for a wide range of future career paths. Study programmes also reflect the importance of maths and English as a key expectation from employers.
Benchmark Five
Encounters with employers and employees
Every learner should have multiple opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment and the skills that are valued in the workplace. This can be through a range of enrichment activities, including visiting speakers, mentoring and enterprise schemes, and should include learners’ own part-time employment where it exists.
Benchmark Six
Experiences of workplaces
Every learner should have first-hand experiences of the workplace through work visits, work shadowing and/or work experience to help their exploration of career opportunities, and expand their networks.
Benchmark Seven
Encounters with further and higher education
All learners should understand the full range of learning opportunities that are available to them. This includes both academic and vocational routes, and learning in schools, colleges, universities and in the workplace.
Benchmark Eight
Personal guidance
Every learner should have opportunities for guidance interviews with a careers adviser, who could be internal (a member of college staff) or external, provided they are trained to an appropriate level.*3 These should be available for all learners whenever significant study or career choices are being made. They should be expected for all learners, but should be timed to meet individual needs.
How do we track this progress?
Through The Careers Enterprise Company and Compass, we track the progress of all our students in line with the Gatsby Benchmarks. Compass also enables us to see how we are performing as a school and how we can maintain the high level of our offering.